Monday, May 16, 2011


Silicon Valley and Wall Street alike bash Yahoo a lot these days, but if there was one place and the company has excelled in Asia. AN OUTLET investment alone is one of the best offers on the Internet in China, especially Japan, which supported more than the stock price yahoo. Yahoo also strongholds gate local communities in all parts of South-East Asia, including Indonesia, where he was also one of the most aggressive Valley - employ more local staff from competitors and to do so first Valley acquisition last spring with location-based services called Koprol .

The director of Yahoo global initiatives Michael Smith (yes, another one) a good reason why. I caught with Smith during my trip to Jakarta and I asked him what Yahoo has done well in Southeast Asia, Indonesia has what going for it apart from a large number of the population, and about the deal Koprol.
Yahoo Koprol paid locally and regionally. Indeed, the television commercials in prime time, for the first time in Indonesia according to Rama Mamuaya blogger. There is a long way to go in a country drunk with Foursquare, but Korpol is the closest thing to local rivals the great social media to companies in Indonesia.

If it continues to rise in light of Yahoo, and can give the scene the country's fledgling Web more confidence.


Like most scientists and doctors in this area, I chose a career developing drugs in the hope of improving people's lives. 'Hope' I say, because pharmaceutical research and development is often a source of frustration and disappointment. Certainly, we are continuing contribution to the scientific and medical knowledge, but our work does not always result in new drugs. Very few to get one of us to work on vehicles that ultimately benefit patients.
I was one of those fortunate though. In the two decades of research, I have managed to be in the right place at the right time in more than one occasion. But the development program has been a greater interest and participation in one of the drugs in the world's most famous. Scientific name is sildenafil citrate, but it is better known as Viagra.
I first came across this project in the late 1980s, when I learned colleagues in

the laboratories of Pfizer in Sandwich, a small town on the southeastern coast of England, has come up with a hypothesis about the prohibition of selective enzyme called PDE5. They believed they could produce a drug to prevent PDE5 can expand blood vessels and treatment of angina pectoris. While the purpose of the project was fantastic, and I must admit I was doubtful it would be a breakthrough because they had hoped.
By the early 1990s, and was the team discovered a strong and selective inhibitor of PDE5, known at that time in the United Kingdom 92 480. Tests showed early had a moderate impact on the blood vessels of healthy volunteers, which was promising sign. However, only inhibitor in the body for a relatively short period, and when taken three times a day - to maintain a constant effect - it gave some pain in the muscles of volunteers.

In one of the studies, and volunteers for male erectile dysfunction increased after several days of the initial dose. No one thought of us at Pfizer many of these side effects at that time. I remember thinking that even if it did not work, who want to take the drug on Wednesday to get an erection on Saturday? We paid for it with studies in angina pectoris.
At the time I run one of two clinical trials, Pfizer, near Sandwich, where we

studied whether the United Kingdom 92 480 interacted with nitrates - standard treatment for angina. We found that it did not exaggerate the impact of nitrates, which may cause the blood pressure drops too much. This turned out to be one of the many results which reduced the likelihood of becoming the United Kingdom 92 480 treatment of angina pectoris.
However, it has now been increased erectile dysfunction reported in studies on volunteers more than that, so we decided to follow up on these reports to know that it will take us.
Incidentally, it was almost at the same time, other studies reveal more information about the path of biochemical participate in the erection process. This has helped to understand how the drug can amplify the effects of sexual stimulation in opening up the blood vessels in the penis. With opportunities in the United Kingdom 92 480 for the treatment of angina now slim, we decided to run pilot studies in patients who suffer from erectile dysfunction). In the preliminary study, and watch videos while the exciting device to monitor the ring and solid bars of their own. Initial results were encouraging and showed that the drug was more effective than placebo.
However, we have had there is still a long way to go and a lot of question marks. He said that the drug be effective when used in the preparation of less clinical and after a single dose? How can we measure its effects accurately without being intrusive? The work will be in men who suffer from ED due to various medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease or prostate?
The next trial included more than 300 patients from the United Kingdom, Sweden and France.

We included men with diabetes, to extend the duration of treatment for four weeks and tested three different doses and placebo. Questioned by some doctors in this area that the drug through the mouth can be opened selectively in the blood vessels in the penis, but we persevered, and I remember a distinct air of excitement at the first meeting with the investigators - who were doctors adminstering drugs in the next trial.
It also provides for the trial, and I began to feel more and more nervous the possibility of knowledge of results - not least because we have now spent several millions of dollars on this project until now, was to deliver the drug for use. The investigators reported encouraging results, but to assume that most of these patients were on placebo? We have obtained the right dose? Will patients understand the drug works only with sexual stimulation? Do we have the questionnaires and diaries make it clear enough, and patients will complete correctly? I asked myself all these questions over and over again.
Statisticians in the team is the first to see the data - it's important to analyze the results and verify the figures. People are being careful, and they do not like to exchange information so they are quite confident of the results. I remember a desperate attempt to read the language of statistical our leadership in the body in the days before the results. But it was distinctive deadpan and I was able to deduce something from his behavior.
When the results came at the end of the day through it exceeded the wildest expectations we have. There was a correlation between dose and response beautiful, with about 90 per cent of patients responding at the highest dose. This drug was also well tolerated, with a very small number of patients reporting pain in the muscles and a very small number of school drop-out. Diaries and questionnaires also provided accurate results and consistent. Impossible not to feel the thrill and excitement at this stage of the study, and I'm not sure.
But the nature of drug development means that you can not taste the highest level for a long time. We were preparing to embark on the most expensive stage of drug development - clinical trials, long-term for thousands of patients in all parts of the world. This requires hundreds of millions of dollars - and we still did not get a chance and only one out of every five of the drug to pass these tests and obtain a license. Therefore, the company will continue to fund a project we have?
The program has already attracted some unexpected publicity, and I am concerned what impact this may have on this resolution. Fortunately, he had written a large number of those who suffer from impotence to us how the situation has had devastating effects on their relationships, and how they were desperate for effective treatment. These letters, and convinced us there is also an urgent need for the treatment of ED and encouraged us to continue to pay the program internally.
We have received funding from the outside and as we continue the clinical program and found the results were better and better. And worked well in the men drug with a variety of causes of ED, including diabetes and spinal cord injury. It also continued to be well tolerated.
12 years after the project began, eight years after the first synthesis of the year in the United Kingdom 92 480 and four after the pilot study the first ED, we had enough information and finally to be confident of the best dose, and drug safety and effectiveness. We applied for a license from the regulatory authorities in 1997.
The rest, as they say, is history. Are being prescribed Viagra for some men 30000000 in all parts of the world. It's very rewarding to see our work has benefited many people. It is this fact that makes the long days and frustration, which is an integral part of development, and drugs intolerable.
I would like to remind myself that I have just one member of a great team - in about 100 specialties of experts to have played a role in making Viagra available to patients. Like many successful scientists, I have had my fair share of luck.


The idea that adolescents in the United States practice oral sex instead of intercourse to maintain "technical virginity" was rejected on Tuesday by the study team, which examined the sexual practices of adolescents in the United States.
Previous studies in 2002 - 2005 was articulated that teens engage in oral sex in order to maintain "technical virginity." But the new study, which falsified the previous studies published in the Journal of Adolescent Health; The study was based on a survey of 2271 of females and males age 15 to 19.
According to the survey, said 55 percent of the adolescents they had engaged in oral sex, but this practice was more common among those who may also participate in the exercise of sex through the vagina. Acknowledged that the youth began having sex through the mouth and vagina in about the same time - for a period of six months after first vaginal intercourse, also participated, 82 percent in oral sex.

In a statement, said Laura Lindberg of the Guttmacher Institute in New York, who led the study, "There is a belief, widely accepted that adolescents engage in forms of nonvaginal sex, oral sex in particular, as a way to be sexually active while claiming it is still technically They are virgins ".
"However, our research shows that this replacement is supposed oral sex for sex through the vagina is largely a myth, and there is no strong evidence that adolescents who did not try out the practice of oral sex with a group of partners," said Lindberg.

The study, funded by the Guttmacher Institute studies sexual and reproductive health issues that have participated and about one in 10 teens in anal sex. This was the teen more likely to also participate in the exercise of sex through the vagina. The study also found that teens from the white race and socio-economic situation and higher is likely to have practiced oral sex or anal intercourse.
Participants, the researchers wrote in the study, "Teens of white ethnicity and socio-economic situation of higher were more likely than their peers to have ever had oral sex or anal intercourse."
Lindberg stressed that the results of the study show that the Bush administration's focus on school programs teaching sexual abstinence until marriage "does not give adolescents the skills and information they need to be safe."
According to the researchers, showed statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the March was infected more than one in four U.S. teenage girls with the disease through sexual contact, and at least one movable. The Center for Disease Control in December the birth rate for adolescents in the United States rose in 2006 for the first time since 1991.

Lindberg said the findings of the Guttmacher Institute of the effects of health

policies. She said: "While the oral sex and anal does not involve any risk of pregnancy, engaging in these behaviors, although it can put adolescents at risk of sexually transmitted diseases. Counseling and education should take into account total STI risk by addressing the full range of behaviors that teens engage in, including the practice of oral sex and anal.


Yoga is derived from the word yoke of work, it means that the combines - "a combination of mind, body, soul and spirit"
 Is a scientific method of physical and mental fitness. More than three hundred years ago it was originated in India. The purpose of yoga is to achieve the highest potential and to experience good health and happiness. Yoga can help to extend healthy and productive years of life and also improve our living conditions.
Yoga is not something that is very easy as it seems. Yoga can cause fatigue in some cases, but yoga a few tips can reduce the frustration that occurs during yoga.

Best yoga tips:

1. Consult your doctor
One should consult a physician before taking yoga classes whether it would be good for his health or not.

2. Read some books on yoga
Read books on yoga are very helpful for an individual to learn tips and yoga yoga as well.

3. Methods of Yoga
There are different styles of yoga such as fitness, stretching or strength. One should practice a particular style that suits your body.

4. The best time for Yoga
The best time for Yoga is in the morning when I was with an empty stomach, do not eat anything before yoga for at least 4-5 hours, and can make you feel heavy and tired, that's why the morning is the best time to practice yoga. Also, avoid eating anything after that I did with yoga for an hour at least half.

5. Important points
Yoga moves on breathing, it is a breathing exercise as well as for meditation as well, and so it is important hygiene for all. Bowel and bladder emptying and cleaning the nose, and throat clear before doing yoga.

6. Starting from the positions of easy
If you are a beginner then start with yoga positions rather easy with a bang of some difficult situations, which can cost you, so be patient and start with ease; to go with easy exercises and then move slowly for a period of difficult.

7. Care of your body
Slight movements of the practice and stop doing so if you feel tired.

8. Try different classes, with instructors
Every coach has his own way to hold classes in an attempt to classes with different instructors, and check with whom you feel comfortable.

9. Stretch
Attempt to stretch before and after the situation as it will help to avoid injuries.

10. Patience
Yoga Positions seem very easy but in reality it is not easy to do, so be patient when trying to position any new yoga.

11. Be scheduled
Be the deadline for yoga classes because the act of yoga positions in a sequence so make sure you do not miss any new yoga position. Try to find a partner in yoga class. Will enjoy and support each other.

12. Clothing
Try to wear loose clothing so that air can pass through it and that can be done easily movements.

13. In case of illness
If you are injured or ill, do not tell your boss that it can be addressed with some of the easiest positions of yoga that you can do easily.

14. Pain during yoga
If you feel pain during yoga, and made it clear that you're doing something wrong. One should feel the pain in the practice of yoga and if I felt that tried some other positions that fit your body.

15. Yoga Accessories
Use of accessories such as yoga yoga belt, foam blocks, pillows and rubber mats for the yoga practice yoga.

If you feel stressed, depressed or feeling anxious; just can not wait, and start practicing yoga. The mind can dull and tired limit creativity, and work efficiently. The practice of yoga can lead to a healthy life and prosperous as yoga has many benefits for managing stress, and physical comfort and spiritual revolution.

Katrina Kaif

Katrina Kaif is a Bollywood actress who was born in Hong Kong from a Kashmiri father, Mohammed Kaif, mother of a British Christian, Suzzane. Her mother, a graduate of Harvard University, a lawyer, but became later involved in charity work. Her parents separated when Kaif was very small. Kaif and seven siblings. Where she was raised in Hawaii, and later moved to her mother’s home country, England. At the age of fourteen and approached by an agent and began modeling; whose primary function was to drive jewelry. And continued modeling in London.

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber may win an Oscar. If you think this is wonderful or one of the first signs of an imminent apocalypse, it is certainly good news. This week, issued the Academy of Arts and Sciences Film Festival list of 41 songs eligible for the award for Best Original Song. Rules for the award of the state must be the song "consisting of words and music, both original and written specifically for the film", and "must be used, and clearly heard clearly, and delivery substantive both melody and lyric in the body of the film, or as cue the music first in the end credits." It seems likeBieber duet with Smith, Jaden of the child karate, never say never, and it fits in the guidelines. Piper Smith and compete against the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow, which was nominated for two of her songs from a strong state, and Cher and Christina Aguilera offers of irony, and songs from Toy Story (3) and Alan Menken - comprising interrelated. Seem to have some stiff competition. IfBieber do not win, he'll have to add a chapter to his memoirs. And 83 will be broadcast the Oscars live from the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood.

Hair Styles

Not only long hair allows you to generate a great look like half half down hairstyles and [Oobdos] elegant, as it's just the way the right waves in the glass case and luscious curls cascading! You can also style your tresses in updo] braided. The braided updo], dividing your hair in two sections and braid. Once you have completed making braids, rolls out to Boone in the nape of the neck. This series features hairstyles long hair on the face rounded shapes. The key to hairstyles, long good face on the rounded shapes to create the effect of low-fat as well as features softening as possible.
If you are looking for "I'm conservative" or the business executive and you want to shape the family-oriented flexibility casual look, with a long hairstyle [updo] is the perfect look for you. There are various accessories such as pins that can be a beauty. For those with large curls, it is best to try to kind of layered hair styles that would make her look very elegant and stylish. Remember that not all the hair curl hair can fit in with the women and the shape of the face. Remember that hairstyles can fit the look of the person depending on the form of their faces. For those with the shape of an oval face, pop, and waves the long and shaggy and appropriate. And it is wise to avoid cuts tedious, especially if hair texture is very thick and curly. Such an object with a long be happy to get side swept bangs, waves, curls and layers. It is best to avoid short haircuts because it can elongate the face. Could face a round shape and long bangs and layers and object box should cover the angular jaws.